I think I am finding the ingenuity of this little thing called Twitter that some of you may have heard of. Though most us Twitter as a long running status update, it is amazing how you can put the words of your blog into 140 characters and have it make all the same points that would otherwise take a long time to put into words and review. Take this for example:

"finished Yes Man. Great story. Lots of laughs. The romantic comedy snuck in and got me. Should have seen it coming. Review = B+"

Much better than the page or so of text I could use to fill. I don't know if I'm going through dry spell or am making the transition (i.e. MySpace to Facebook). We shall see. No promises though. You can find my Twitter feed by visiting and subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking here (for family or friends who don't Twitter).
Now playing: Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, Da - Our God Reigns

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are almost as bad as I am at blogging :)