Yesterday, the fast brought a new thought to mind for me. You have something for so long that you can't imagine life without it. Obviously food is one of those things that you want to keep around but with the myriad of fasts available, do you notice how much stuff we fill our lives with that are unnecessary? After a while, we get so accustomed to having it around that we can't imagine what would happen if it was taken away (for most of us, just imagine giving up your computer for a couple of days). All the while Jesus is presenting us the option of true life and truly living! It seems though that we often settle for something less and what is conceived as more tangible. With what we know of what Jesus has done for us and the promises He gives, why would we fill ourselves with things that are never going to measure up? Why not live lives that are completely enamored with the things of Jesus and not the newest digital breakthrough that is sure to become last years news. The fast has taught me there is a lot of excess in my life and some of it just needs to go hungry for a while.
Now playing: Christy Nockels - Praise to the Lord, The Almighty
Now playing: Christy Nockels - Praise to the Lord, The Almighty