When Your Wife Calls You Out

No one knows you better than your spouse does.
No one can frustrate you more than your spouse does.
Nothing is more frustrating than when your spouse calls you out.

Unless you're me.

For some reason, when my wife calls me out on something, especially when I know I should be doing it because we've talked about, I think she is so hot!

Recently, I've said to my wife how I want to read more. I heard that a few years ago, President Bush was able to read 100 books in a year. Regardless of your political persuasion, that's legit! If the President of theUnited States of America is able to take time to read considering their importance and workload, then surely I can do the same.

The other night, Rachel was going to be out for an extended period of time. She asked what I would be doing while she was gone. Besides "pining" for her, I told her I would be burning most of the night away with media. Her response?

"Haven't you been saying how you wanted to read more?"

I think it's important here to add a disclaimer. My wife wasn't being sarcastic. She wasn't being mean. She didn't carry a snarky tone. She simply asked. Translation:

"That thing that you've been wanting to do so bad but that you've said you haven't had time for, wouldn't this be a good time for that?"

At first, it spurred something in me.

Then I was attracted to her.

For me, my wife was calling out in me, the things that she knew were present and that she also knew were my desire to let out. In essence, she spurred me to "go get" what I had told her I wanted. In something as simplistic as reading, it was the beginning step in how spouses are able to awaken dreams in one another. Encourage one another. Call out the best in one another.

For all spouses out there, I would encourage you in this:

  1. Call out the gifts, talents and desires that are within your spouse.
  2. Provide opportunity for them to pursue them.
  3. Empower them to be able to achieve them.
  4. Resource them. Time. Money. Etc.
  5. Encourage them. Faithfully. Consistently.
It's for this reason that I'm thankful for my wife. She sees the best in me. But not only that, she encourages me to go get it. May that be true of all of us in how we respond to our spouse.

Including me.

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Josiah said...

So true!

Spouses who encourage are hot!

Chrissy Padilla said...

Your wife is hot. :)