It's the sound of every little kid. It seems the noise that fills your ears when you hear it is inescapable. We've all had those "but I don't wanna" moments. It's that time when we know we should do something but we, well, don't wanna. I don't know if I'm having one of those moments or am simply imagining myself behaving this way but this seems to resonate with me.

I feel as if I'm in a pruning season. There is a lot of growth that has happened that during introspection I find myself wanting to get rid of. It's not easy to look in the mirror and know that you could be better. It's the tough realization that the self you have is not the self you could be. If anything, I'm finding that I am much more than that. This could come off very infomercially but it's not a self help series directed by Justin. Jesus is calling me to be more. I've found that Justin has a tendency to get in the way sometimes.
Now playing: The Bird & The Bee - What's In The Middle

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