Identifying Your Dream

Moishe Rosen has a really easy way for you to identify your dream:

If I had ___________________. I would ___________________.

You can get cheap on it. "If I had a Maserati. I would be awesome." Your answer may not be like mine, but no doubt your first instinct is to go to a very temporal answer. Something that for the moment may satiate an immediate need, but isn't going deep enough. Only scratching the surface.

Get all of the surface answers out of the way.

Go deeper.

Search harder.

Get out the spelunking hat with the flashlight for your heart.

As you arrive to the destination, if you had ______________, what would you do? You probably have insight into a dream that you may not even be in pursuit of. Could be a good time to start praying about it.

In Hope Roots, we use a very similar tool developed by Marc Estes which is available here. He asks the following:
  1. Suppose you were given a large sum of money with one condition: you had to give the sum of it to a cause of your choice. What would you give this money to?
  2. Suppose you were able to dedicate your life towards one cause for an entire year. What cause would you spend that year on?
  3. Is there a dream or vision that you feel God has laid on your heart to accomplish at some point in your life?
So, what's your dream?

Go get it.

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