Preacher's High

Today I'm coming off what they call a "Preacher's High."

Typically this happens when the service or event you lead was such a success that you find it hard to sleep because your mind is racing. For me, it's has little to do with the service or event, but more to do with what last night "looked" like to me.

My heart in ministry has always been given to those who have never experienced Christ before. There is nothing quite like seeing someone experience Christ for the first time as God reveals Himself through Word and Worship.

Last night, I saw that. The context of the message was not something I would have "planned" if I would have known what the dynamic of the room would have been. For that, I'm thankful that I'm not responsible for planning / timing like I used to be as God has developed my specific style of communication.

From the outset, you could see God was doing what God does. Speaking to and romancing hearts. Calling those who have gapped their relationship with God back. Revealing His character and conduct.

You also could see God working in the midst of "two or more gathered" and having the power of the Holy Spirit present in prayer and ministry to one another. From moments where I had to personally repent to someone or to when a student went to receive prayer alone for the first time. God was doing work.

Moments like this add fuel to a fire that has been faithfully burning and allow it to rise beyond where it has been (hence posting a blog after a year of hiatus).

Moments like this are why I'm grateful that God has allowed this to be my life. Wouldn't trade it.

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