Before I get ready to depart from Rendezvous, I need to share an experience I was able to take part in. Usually when I arrive, no one is around. It's easy for me to go to my "usual" spot and have my "usual" drink and go through my "usual" routine. When I arrived, two people had already beaten me to the punch so I was privileged to share my cove with others. What I didn't anticipate in this encounter was the conversation. To preface, Mel Gibson made a movie in 1997 called Conspiracy Theory. There are some things ringing true in this conversation. Here are some of the highlights :

"Cell phones aren't an option, those can be recorded by satellite."

"Emails aren't sufficient because those can be tracked anywhere."

"The British are recording our phone calls since it's illegal for America to do so."

"What we need is a courier with a sealed envelope and someone to deliver the message. Once read, the message is to be burned."

"Certain words in phone calls and emails trigger agencies to respond."

Someone watches too much television. Delusions of grandeur. Who knows what they were talking about but I doubt Springfield, MO is a hub for activity to be monitored by the government. Call me crazy. Although, someone could be totally monitoring this site and seeing that you have read it. Watch yourself. The man is everywhere.
Now playing: Matt Costa - Songs We Sing

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice segue to the XXXchurch site