Over the past couple of weeks during youth services, we have been engaging in worship with no music. (Note, the next bit is personal opinion) Within the church we find ourselves in a place where music is becoming a lot more to us than a medium for worship. We are in a place where it becomes dangerous to leave worship to specific moments. Whether it is during a dedicated time, at heightened emotional moments, excellent chord progressions or when "everyone" is responding, our worship cannot be limited to just musical services. It has this everywhere quality about when you think about the Cross and what Jesus has done for us.
I've been amazed at the different worship moments that I have had recently that haven't been typical. Whether it's an obscure song, a walk in a park, a look at the stars, I've been met with moments where going into them I wasn't expecting to have a worship moment(isn't that the point though?). This morning, my friend Ryan was telling me how he purchased a CD. The band is called Fireflight and they have a song that has been featured on some TV shows called Unbreakable. It just so happened to hit a chord for me this morning. The lyric I was especially drawn to was this one :
"God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been."
I was thinking about how quickly we can become myopic. We can begin to see things so close and forget to take hold of dreams (then again, we can look so far into the future that we can forget about the present. symbiotic relationships are nice). This morning my prayer has been to dream again. To be where I have never been. And not because I need something new (timeless comes to mind) but because that's what happens when you see Him for who He is and what He's done.
Now playing: Fireflight - Unbreakable
I've been amazed at the different worship moments that I have had recently that haven't been typical. Whether it's an obscure song, a walk in a park, a look at the stars, I've been met with moments where going into them I wasn't expecting to have a worship moment(isn't that the point though?). This morning, my friend Ryan was telling me how he purchased a CD. The band is called Fireflight and they have a song that has been featured on some TV shows called Unbreakable. It just so happened to hit a chord for me this morning. The lyric I was especially drawn to was this one :
"God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been."
I was thinking about how quickly we can become myopic. We can begin to see things so close and forget to take hold of dreams (then again, we can look so far into the future that we can forget about the present. symbiotic relationships are nice). This morning my prayer has been to dream again. To be where I have never been. And not because I need something new (timeless comes to mind) but because that's what happens when you see Him for who He is and what He's done.
Now playing: Fireflight - Unbreakable