This week I gave into a guilty pleasure and watched an otherwise worthless movie. As a man, I think most of us are genetically inclined towards cars and speed. If you're not it's not a deficiency, it's just an inclination. As a result, Fast and the Furious could / should be up our ally. The first one that is. I can remember watching it in Colorado Springs when it came out and the entire parking lot leaving to go race throughout the city. Thanks to the movie industry huh? 2 Fast 2 Furious was a step back, only because you can't ride the success of Paul Walker and not include Vin Diesel. Both are pretty bad actors, but leaving one on an island of a leading role poses for a horrible problem, especially when Tryese and Ludcacris are involved. The third one...thank God for Netflix. Had I actually paid $4 for this rental, I think I would have punched myself. I had regrets about putting it on my queue in the first place. The cars were great (one thing they always get right), the dialogue / acting was pitiful (one thing they alwasy get wrong) and it wouldn't make you want to see a fourth one. BUT! Vin Diesel makes an appearance at the end. "Just when I thought you couldn't do anything dumber, you do something like this... and completely redeem yourself!" And redeem they did (or not, but let's run with it). If you are looking for something to pass your time, play dodgeball. It's not the worst movie I've seen so I won't bury it.

Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift : D+
Now playing: Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift

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Kevin said...

I refuse to even read a review on a movie like this - it's too gay. And not happy gay either.

Anonymous said...

I hope the good taste police slap you across the face...