Greetings all,

As you can see I have not been active on the blogging updates. Recently, my neighbor (who used an unsecured wireless network since I have lived at the house) has moved and has caused the internet at the house to go out. Considering I'm not going to be activating the internet just to move next month, the blogs this month may be a little down in comparison to the past few. I'll make sure to make notes to self to be able to update regularly. As of now though, my free internet has gone kaput.
Now playing: Juno Reactor - Navras

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Anonymous said...

bummer man
no other way to pirate internet?
well, heres a funny thing. we have unsecure wireless at our coffee shop. people will drive up, stop for about 5 minutes, then drive away. stolen internet is a wide spread epidemic. maybe not epidemic, but that was the only word i had in the old noggin

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot harisazukiyanhonda.

Kevin said...

What would I do if my neighbor moved? Or realized they're retarded and should secure thier internet?