You ever notice with the internet that you can really be anyone you want to be? You can say anything to anybody about anything and convince everyone that it's who you are. I'm sure that I could start a blog today dealing with how I've made a million dollars and the steps to my success and a lot of people would read it and thank me for my contributions. Even in this blog, I could talk about my ideas, my thoughts, my plans, but if nothing is happening than it's just talk. I could even convince myself by talking about it that I'm becoming someone new and different. That's why it is what it is. Talk. I've been reading over this verse again and again and it's really beginning to strike me :
1 Corinthians 4:20 (ESV)
20For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.
Talk sounds great. Talk can inspire. Talk can even make people agree. But talk in and of itself does nothing except fill space with syllables. The Kingdom of God does not exist in talk. It exists in power. And power is an action. Power is a adjective to describe a verb. Not a verb that describes adjectives. Let us become people of power, not talk. Let's not just speak of ideas but implement them. Let's not convince ourselves of someone we are not, but let's become the people of our talk.
Now playing: Ingrid Michaelson - Giving Up
1 Corinthians 4:20 (ESV)
20For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.
Talk sounds great. Talk can inspire. Talk can even make people agree. But talk in and of itself does nothing except fill space with syllables. The Kingdom of God does not exist in talk. It exists in power. And power is an action. Power is a adjective to describe a verb. Not a verb that describes adjectives. Let us become people of power, not talk. Let's not just speak of ideas but implement them. Let's not convince ourselves of someone we are not, but let's become the people of our talk.
Now playing: Ingrid Michaelson - Giving Up