I noticed recently that there are very few things in our planet that are up for interpretation. Most of what we have we care to share with everyone else. New music, clothes, sales, trends, books, technology, videos, websites, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Yet it seems the one thing we leave to ourselves and our journey is our faith / spirituality / religion. It seems that is the one thing that we don't care to share, don't care to broadcast, don't care to reveal. Everything else seems so easy and non-invasive. Why do our experiences with Jesus have to be any different? I've found that either something is true or it isn't. There are very few things that are subjective anymore. It's true or it's not. We don't test gravity. No one debates or questions whether that is true or not. It just is. And here we are saying the God we serve is much more real and true than that. Looks like we've got some explaining to do.
Now playing: Blur - Song 2
Now playing: Blur - Song 2