I've noticed more and more recently that everyone has an opinion. This is nothing new. Everyone has had an opinion about everything from the beginning. My realization comes in that more and more people are willing to voice that opinion. This is no big deal. I've got no problems with opinions. The issue I take is with those who protest an action, stating that it isn't a good enough action, yet can't come up with a suitable action to replace it. Last night, I resumed reading a book entitled God's Politics by Jim Wallis. In it, he said this :

"The test of protest is whether it points and opens the way to change or merely denounces what is." pg. 46

In his book, he was speaking about the war in Iraq and how everyone said it was a bad idea, but didn't present any other option to replace it. Then I look around some of the scenarios I find myself close to and see a lot of the same responses. TONS of people have opinions about things. Few present solutions. TONS of people love to protest an action. Few can think of a better alternative. People love to complain. People love to complain. Few want to take the time to think through something to make a plan of action. Our world is ever increasing with opinionated people. The fact that over 50 people read my blog shows that I can state mine and someone will listen, making me a viable voice in our world of billions. Let's be people of solutions, not just complaining. Let's be people of protest, not just nails on a chalkboard. Let's not merely denounce what is (church, country, world, economic status, worldview, denomination, etc), but let's present viable solutions in how to change.
Now playing: Solimano - Urban Sounds (Album Version)

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