In my best impression of Perry Noble (Jeff Foxworthy has an obvious influence as well), I have decided to start a series on my blog. I had the idea while I was driving around and thought it would be a great way to get going. As I'm thinking through the multiple ways this could go, I have to be honest I'm pretty excited. Thanks Perry. Consider this an introduction to the series, now on to official business. Imagine we are starting from the title again. Ready? You know you're in ministry when...


The sound of it just wants me to let out a big ugghhh. Either that or some other sound that exemplifies the big why that exists within me. I'm thinking of what I am going to say tonight when I need to deal with a member of our congregation and what they have done. There is no joy that exists in my heart. At least not when I think of doing it. I recall verses like [1 Cor 5, 2 Cor 2, 1 Tim] which speak of discpline being necessary and not doing so is far greater than stepping up and doing it. I still can't help but think of how much I am not looking forward to this.

However, I understand that in order to grow we have to call out the weeds. Some uprooting is necessary in this case. I'm thankful for my Church Politics and Discipline class while at school. It prepared me immensely for this moment [NOTE : I know it's possible to miss it digitally, but the sarcasm is layed on thick]. You never think when you are walking the isle to grab your diploma, or sitting in an office accepting a position, standing in the pulpit for the first time or leading someone to Christ that moments like this are a part of the equation also. These are easy to look over because they are the parts of ministry that aren't a joy. However, you know you're in ministry when church discipline comes knocking because it's means you've been there long enough to have credibility and a heart of love when you bring it. I'm not looking forward to tonight at all. But I am looking forward to tomorrow. After tonight, the member of our congregation and I will have grown closer and for that we will be better off.
Now playing: Aqualung - Can't Get You Out of My Mind

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