I can't seem to escape this same thought that is coming up over and over and over again after this year's election. Barack Obama is black. I know how ground breaking that is. While watching some of the Facebook feeds during the inauguration coverage, I read the following :

"Don't people know what whites and Hispanics built this country too."

Oh man. That's all that comes to mind right now. You also hear how Barack Obama is half white, not 100% black. True. I find it interesting what can happen in moments of growth or entering into an area that is new, we try to grab hold of what we've known. No one contests that white people helped build this country. That has never been an issue since our inception. However, EVERYONE would contest the value we have given to others who have helped to build it as well. Regardless of whether Barack Obama is half white, full black, 1/4 Hispanic or anything else our nation is in a place it has never been. Let's celebrate the fact that our country is entering new territory, regardless of whether we voted for him or not. Let's celebrate that a man with African-American heritage is serving in the highest office of the United States, regardless of whether or not there he has anglo heritage also. Let's get over ourselves and trying to feel like we deserve some of the credit also. Let's celebrate with those who are celebrating. It's a new day for America and we can be happy about that (even if the old days weren't that bad).
Now playing: Sigur Rós - Fljótavík

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