
Advent is one of my favorite times of year. Before getting too far, I think it's probably necesary to define what Advent is. Here is how a reading plan available at defines it.

What is Advent?
Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning arrival or coming. The Hebrews looked forward to the coming of a Savior or Messiah - the First Advent. Now, we are waiting expectantly for His return to sweep His bride off of our feed - the Second Advent. The Church has been waiting for Him to come back from the moment He left hte first time.

Why Should I Participate in Advent? So, what does Advent have to do with celebrating the arrival of Jesus?
Traditionally, Advent counts down the four week, leading up to Christmas. Practially, Advent reminds us to look forward to His return every day. This season is about restting Jesus Christ at the center of our lives. After all, when HE comes to take us home forever, we want to be ready. Expect to be inspired, challenged, refocused, broken, motivated, unified, encouraged, and most of all expectant.

Additionally, Advent usually has themes for each week (Hope, Peace, Joy, Love) and a candle to be lit for each representative week.

Prior to accepting Christ, I thought Advent was lame. Being apart of "old" churches, Advent seemed like one of the lamest things that one could do with a Sunday morning. However, after accepting Christ, my perspective changed completely. This happend as the result of two events:

  1. First Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs. Prior to knowing Jesus, this would have been the very church that I would have avoided. However, after accepting Christ, this is exactly the church I pursue when Christmas comes around. There is something about singing the old hymsn, candlelight services, organs, choirs and pastor dressed in robes that brought "the weight" of Christmas to a head for me. I think I was the only person in the room who was trying to get Charismatic during a very "traditional" worship response.
  2. Jim Bradford and Central Assembly in Springfield, MO. Prior to my wife and I getting married, she attend Central Assembly in Springfield, MO with her family. During their services, as part of Advent, leading up to Christmas, they would have families come up and read a passage of Scripture together, along with lighting the candle of the week. Loved it! Loved the family aspect of Christmas and involving others in the celebration of Christ.

In both of these cases, I have developed a newfound love for Advent. In fact, it has become a time honored tradition within The Factory with selected reading, reading of the Creeds (Apostles Creed, Athanasian Creed, Chalcedonian Creed and Nicene Creed) and liturgy. Rachel and I both agree that we want it to be a part of our family and something we consistently share with our children. This year, over dinner, we will be reading through passages together, as well as providing time for us to ask questions with one another, celebrate Jesus' birth and be grateful for all his birth entailed.

Interested in celebrating Advent by yourself or with your family? YouVersion has made it very easy to do so. Each of these reading plans will provide you with a daily reading, as well as a time of reflection or response. Check out the devotional reading plans below.

Rediscovering the Christmas Season (Personal or Group)
Countdown to Christmas (Family Oriented)

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