Tonight, the fast came to end. At least the no food part of it. The last couple of days have been filled with activity for me and it seems my body was letting me know it needed something more than Gatorade. I kindly obliged and had dinner with my friends Robyn and Justin Mederich. One of the observations I made was how when I decided to eat, I didn't want anything that wasn't going to be hearty and filling. Fast food wasn't a thought. Candy wasn't a concept. I wanted something hearty. But I didn't want anything that was too crazy because I knew my stomach would have issues. This thought is distant from me. My friend Chris and his wife Jaime have been on a healthy eating kick and it has got me thinking about how I eat. I frequent fast food joints (it's easy), I eat pizza (again easy) and I rarely cook (hard to do with random schedules and only one person to eat at times). This fast has brought me the realization that I need / should eat better. No whether that will come to action, that is a completely different idea.

I wonder how much junk food we settle for. I wonder how much stuff we take in that isn't filling, isn't nutritious, isn't healthy yet we "eat" because it hasn't killed us yet. We could be getting away from what is truly "filling" and be convinced that we aren't the lesser for it. I'm on a plan to start eating better. And, I'm on a plan to start "eating" better.
Now playing: David Crowder Band - Rock of Ages

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1 comment:

Kevin said...

Quitter. Just kidding. I'm due for a fast, you've inspired me.

But as to the eating just to eat - I'm so guilty. I just downed two Reese's peanut butter cups - why, 'cause their good. Did I need them at 12:30 am - no. We are all just so lazy in life (we meaning Americans).