Yesterday I had a moment where I let myself go. I watched some Oprah. What roped me in was the Coldstone exhibit and so I kept watching. She had something on the Container Store, Carmex, some really expensive shoes, a short rib and grilled cheese sandwich, and a guy who invented new cool pens for Post-It. The one overarching theme to all of it was that Oprah was ghetto throughout. I thought it was hysterical and couldn't stop wathcing. Over and over again she would bring the ghetto Oprah into the mix and it made for great television. Plus, I found out about all kinds of new things that I can spend money on (I may go to the show so she can get me a 4yr supply of Carmex, new pens, $150 giftcard to the Container Store, free coldstone and a sandwich). Some of you may hate, and I'm prepared for that. It was a great afternoon. If you were to ask Rachel, she would tell you how stoked I was talking to her about it afterwards. Good times.
Now playing: Hillsong - This Is Our God

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Kevin said...

Definitely a hateable offense - most guys, like myself, are closet Oprah watchers. I'm not ready to come out.

Mike McGarvey said...

I'll be honest. I like Ellen better.

Anonymous said...

Oh for sure, I love Ellen. I watch her almost everyday...