Youth Pastors, Serve a Campus

One of the greatest choices I've made in Student Ministry is to commit to a local campus. For years, I thought I needed to try to be on every campus. As great as it was to see all my students every couple of months, it created a lot of drive time, infrequent relationship with the school and I always got the "who are you" look. So instead of trying to be all things to all campuses, I picked one.

It wasn't easy.

In fact it was really hard. The closest campus to our church is a high school. I called. I emailed. I stopped by. All of which, led to no avail. None of that was my fault. There were situations that happened in our region that caused local high schools to be "extremely cautious" with youth workers coming onto their campus. I understood. In fact, I felt the same. I reaffirmed. Stayed consistent and knew that if I didn't give up, it would pay off.

Finally, they let me come on campus and serve in the cafeteria. Cleaning tables. Sweeping floors. Mopping spills. As it came up, I did it. Gladly. In my very brief time of almost two years there, here is what I've found.
  1. Serve the Administration. My first and primary responsibility is not to the students. It's to the administration. By serving them, I serve students. By serving them, students notice. By serving, I reach students. I've been thought to be a staff member. Custodial worker. Random person. But many opportunities have been given because I'm a consistent face and curiosity gets the best of us all. In fact, a student came and asked me the other day: "My friends and I have noticed you here since our Junior Year. What do you do here?" Win.

  2. Let Your Student Off the Hook. At the local high school I attend, we have a good group of students who attend our Student Ministry. Many of whom are involved on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. Just like you and I, sometimes they need a break. They've been in class all day. Being taught all day. Not having a free moment just to breathe, relax and talk. Let them off the hook. Let your students know, "I'll be available. If you want me to come over to your table, I will. If you want to come say what's up, do it. If you just want to take a break from me, I get it. I want a break from me." I've never met a student who didn't say hello. I've seen plenty of times where students wished someone would not (recruiters particularly, which as a Student Pastor you can give off that vibe) have come to their table. Be visible. Be present. Be consistent. Be willing to not have to go to every table. Your students won't judge you for it. In fact, you'll probably find they appreciate you more.

  3. Keep the Target Demographic in Perspective. One of the greatest gains for me by being in a local school multiple times during the week is that when I speak to my students, I'm not ignorant. I know what's happening on campus. I hear about it. I see it. I'm not the guy who graduated 10 years ago and doesn't know anything anymore. I'm fully aware. I have a heart for this generation of students who don't know Christ and I know how to speak to my students who are constantly interacting with them. I'm a better Student Pastor because of it.

  4. Be Visible on Campus. Finally, the more times you are seen on campus, you become more than just some random volunteer. You are apart of the campus. You become a face that is visible often. As a Student Pastor, don't you want to be synonymous with a school? How awesome would that be?! This week, I've been referred more by being in attendance at this local high school than as a Student Pastor at my church. And for a highly religious town, that means a lot to me.
The temptation is to try to reach every school in your town. Your town doesn't need you to try to reach every school. In fact, Jesus doesn't need you to try to reach everyone. It's not practical and you don't have the ability to do so.

Can I share some stats with you?

The local high school I serve has 1200 students who attend. It feeds from three junior highs, totaling an additional 900-1200 students. There are 22,000 junior high and high school students within the area of students who are apart of our ministry. If I focus on those school and reach them, that's over 2000 students or about 10% of our area.

That's a BIG Student Ministry.

In fact, it would be one of the largest in the nation.

By being 100% involved with 10% of our demographic, my chances of reaching the 90% just went through the roof because students from other schools don't stop attending when you dedicate to one. I've found they like the fact that you are committed to a school somewhere and understand you pick the one closest.

Student Pastor. Pick a Campus. Go to work.

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